Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Johaness Gutenberg

When and where did Johaness Gutenberg invent the printing press?

He invented the printing press in the 1440s.He was a metal worker in Mainz, Germany.it was the first machine to spread the rebellion by printing books

What is a PrintingPress, how does it work?

Printingpress is a device to print ink onto a paper, cloth. The device puts pressure onthe Moveable type (individual letters or punctuation), this takes an enormous amount of labour involved in operating thethousands of ceramic tablets. The components he used for his type pieces are froman alloy of lead, tin and antimony.

Whatis Moveable Type?

Moveable types are type pieces that are used in the printing press machinearound 1450.Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and independently developed a movable type system in Europe. The type base is casted on a matrix and hand mould.thetype pieces are made from an a lloy of lead,tin and antimony.


What was the impact of the Printingpress?

The printing press spreads information quickly andaccurately. People start to know how to read, write and use literacy correctly.

Since the books are released, the church then can’tstop spread of controversial new ideas. Scientists spread the knowledge of livingorganism and a lot of people turned against church and religion.

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